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Leatherstocking Region Membership Chair (RMC) – Renee Daniels

Hi! My name is Renee Daniels. I have been a part of PTA since 2009 and started my PTA adventure as a Unit Treasurer. After spending 6 years with my home unit, doing it all, I joined the Region Board as RMC. That was back in 2015! Recently, I completed my third term as the Leatherstocking Region Director. Now I am back at Membership! Some may joke and say I can’t get away from it, but if truth be told I have always enjoyed membership.

I look for the silver lining and try to find the fun in everything I do. My goal is to help units with membership ideas that range from super simple to crazy big! In my spare time I work as an Office Manager. I am wife to Tom, mom to Matt and Jake and I feel very outnumbered in this house! P.S. There is a lot of laundry, send help or peanut butter cups!

#06-316 Ralph Perry Junior HS PTA has already surpassed their membership goal for this year!

Officers; Kim Reale, Katie Taylor, Jennifer Bailey, Jessica Thomas and their Member Chair, Sarah Walker, are PTA flexible!

This team credits smashing their goal to the “Morning Announcements” that the Principal emails every school day to all parents. In this daily email, Mr. Paradis always asks the parents to join PTA, and they do! 

Collaborative efforts between the school and PTA support their district’s “Spartan Strong” approach to supporting their students and the PTA’s mission of making every student’s potential a reality. Principal Paradis and their Dean of Students, Mr. Sinacore have been very supportive of their PTA. 

We are so excited that Ralph Perry Junior HS PTA will be celebrating 41 years as a charter this coming February!