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Membership Committee Spotlight

My name is Renee Daniels and I am the Convention Technology Assistant. You might be thinking, “What does Convention Technology have to do with Membership?” Well, Membership is everyone’s job. So here I am, ready to do my part to help us grow!

PTA has many working parts with lots of volunteers that do a ton of different things. Some of those things are not necessarily seen by everyone. My part was to help with planning NYS PTA’s Annual Conference and just like everything else this year, our Conference had to change due to the pandemic. But one thing that has not changed is the need for Members. You have heard it before, and I am sure you will hear it again … Members are the heart of our Association. Without Members we cannot do all the work that we do. From Advocacy to Training Unit Leaders and everything in between, Members make everything possible!

At Conference, Members were needed to decide on the direction our Association will take this year by voting at the annual business meeting. If you attended, then you remember the Bylaws changes we voted on. Or do you remember all the Resolutions? I am sure everyone remembers taking part in electing our new officers. PTA Members did all of that and will do so much more before the school year is out.

Throughout this pandemic we have seen so many units reimagining how they operate and serve the students in their buildings. And just like NYS PTA, many of you have come up with new ways to hold virtual events and to continue to provide support to teachers and your communities. You are doing all this because you see the value of your PTA and you are still seeking Members to join so you can get your work done!

Believe it or not, this storm will pass. The sun will come out and we will all come together again. But until that day comes, we need to continue reimagining the way we do things. Maybe your PTA will need to update and renew bylaws. PTAs will need to create committees for Audits, Nominations and yes, each will have to hold elections for the next school year, and so much more. You will need your Members to get this work done.

If your PTA needs help, I encourage you to reach out. As a PTA you have many resources to seek assistance from at NYS PTA, Region PTA and MemberHub! Utilize these resources as we are all here for you and want you to be able to continue your work. We want to see you succeed and we want you to grow.

To contact NYS PTA or your Region PTA


To set up a One-on-One 30-minute training session with a MemberHub Specialist: